Ask any person and they always want to lose a few more pounds. Winter weight loss can be hard. No person ever seems to be satisfied with his or her current weight. For those that want to find a way to both lose weight this winter and keep it off, I am offering 4 habits that will work for any person.
This won’t be any fad diets or cut this out information. These are solid ideas that can be easily incorporated into any person’s lifestyle. Lifestyle is the key word as the title of the article states these are habits. This means these are things you can do everyday and not something you do for a week or two only to decide it isn’t working and go to the next fad.
My goal is look great in a swimsuit or fit into those skinny jeans. Every person makes goals and has different things that are important to them. This isn’t about goal setting or motivation though more about no matter a person’s goal these 4 habits will work to support in achieving them and keeping them.
Weight Loss Habit #1 Eat fruit and vegetables every day
This may sound simple though think how often do you eat fruits and vegetables every day? Fruits and vegetables have a variety of benefits that will support weight loss. First the higher fiber is more filling leading to less overeating and the nutritional density of each item is superior to most common food. The calories from a few carrots is fractions as compared to same size serving of chips or other snacks.
The other important factor is that fruits and vegetables are loading with vitamins and minerals that your body needs to perform optimally. This also means a person’s metabolism to perform optimally. Without proper nutrition the body will never burn as many calories as it can. (1)
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#2 Exercise every week
I know right now you are so dedicated to this new workout that is just amazing. The reality is for most people there are large swings in the amount of exercise a person does per week. Typically go for short stretches of being highly motivated then followed with long periods of time with little to no activity. To achieve weight loss goals, exercise will always have to be part of that lifestyle.
Consistency is the most important aspect in achieving weight loss success. As a person trainer for years the number one thing that caused people to eight achieve results or fall short was accountability. As you plan your exercise a lifetime of moving plan on things that you will want to do and keep doing as that will last longer than dreading going to the gym. (2)
#3 Move everyday
You will be surprised how many calories are burned throughout the day if a person keeps moving rather then just sit behind a desk and straight to the sofa at home. Moving doesn’t mean you have to go to the gym and workout. On your off days from the gym taking walks or a bike ride can be a lot of fun and a lot of calories burned.
This habit is more than exercise it is about creating a lifestyle where moving is part of the daily routine. It can be as simple as parking in the back of the parking lot instead of driving for 10 min to find that closer spot. It is ok to use the stairs than always wait for the elevator. There are so many things a person does in the day that can be walked instead of ridden that add up to a lot when you look at weeks, months. And an entire year.
#4 Take a daily supplement
I know the website sells supplements even diet pills so you should take those, not really. The quick answer is that it doesn’t matter what supplement you take. Supplements are great triggers for a healthy lifestyle. Every day when you take a multivitamin in the morning it is a trigger to live healthier and walk more or eat more vegetables. Starting the day with a positive trigger of a healthy active lifestyle creates an amazing greater chance of success.
The supplement can change, and I recommend that they do. A good daily multivitamin can be always be a go to for greater health. Maybe taking a diet pill in the morning can jump start the motivation for the exercise and diet plan you are following.
Make it a Habit
When you ask any person, who has been successful in weight loss and kept it off, I bet all of these are things they do every day. The goal is to make these things habits of your own. These are things that any person can incorporate today into their daily lives no matter how busy they are.
For some it will take more planning. For example, you may need to go to grocery store and stock up on fruits and vegetables. Not sure how to stay more active, a person might need to think about where they have meetings and decide to use the stairs. With a little bit of forethought each of these habits can be easily incorporated.
Remember that success is not perfect. With any new habit or plan, people are too hard on themselves when they have a bad day. Bad days don’t kill weight loss results, bad months and years do. When you look back at the month if you did these habits 90% of the time then a healthier and thinner lifestyle is well on its way.