With 60% of Americans overweight or obese, finding the best diet pills that work is important. However, there is a lot of misinformation surrounding weight loss supplements. Racer Ephedra offers science and no fluff. After all it is important to make good fat burning decisions.
Best Diet Pills
How does anyone describe the best diet pills? For instance, every magazine or tv ad has unreal weight loss claims. Racer Ephedra answers this question based on customer feedback and purchases. Nothing makes better claim to being the best than customers reordering.
The best diet pills sold are Hellfire, Green Stinger, Pure Ephedra 100, and Hydroxytrol. Similarly, each weight loss supplement contains ephedra. However, each fat burner contains unique herbal complexes. Racer Ephedra offers best place to buy ephedra and diet pills online.

Do Weight Loss Supplements Work
A person wants weight loss so do weight loss supplements work? Instead of marketing claims what does the science say. A clinical trial investigated weight loss benefits. The two primary ingredients were ephedra and caffeine. In addition, these two ingredients are found in Racer’s best diet pills listed above. The goal of the trial was long term safety and effectiveness. A total of 167 participants used a ephedra and caffeine complex for 6 months.
They key result was the herbal ephedra complex decreased body fat, body weight, and LDL cholesterol more than the placebo. Above all, the study showed true results. The 6-month controlled study showed ephedra and caffeine diet pills do promote body weight and fat loss deductions. (1)
Fat Burners Discontinued
The two major fat burner ingredients banned are ephedrine alkaloids and DMAA. The FDA banned weight loss supplements containing ephedrine alkaloids claming the products are adulterated. Similarly, the FDA would ban DMAA diet pills. (2)
Racer Ephedra sales legal ephedra diet pills. The FDA banned dietary supplements containing only the ephedrine alkaloid. There are many ephedra herbal species. Moreover, ephedrine alkaloids are compound found in ephedra sinica. Many of the legal ephedra products contain ephedra nevadensis. Ephedra nevadensis is an American ephedra herb.
For Fast Weight Loss
Many Americans have extra fat ready to get off. What are the ingredients for fast weight loss? The answer was ephedrine. However, the ephedrine alkaloid ban prevents those benefits. The new herbal fat loss ingredient is Senegalia Berlandieri or Acacia Rigidula. Each is a similar compound from the Acacia herb.
Research shows acacia rigidula delivers similar metabolic benefits to ephedrine. Ephedrine research demonstrates a 6.6% metabolic rate increase. However, acacia herbs deliver resting energy expenditure over 12%. These results delivered three hours post ingestion for fast weight loss. (3)
All-Natural Diet Pills
The key difference in acacia rigidula and senegalia berlandieri diet pills is the herbal all natural complexes. For instance, ephedrine alkaloids were banned for being adulterated. The legal fat burners contain herbal acacia complexes. This all-natural distinction separates the products.
Hellfire, Lipodrene, and Black Mamba are three most popular acacia rigidula and senegalia berlandieri weight loss pills. Each are available and offer free shipping. Racer Ephedra prides itself in delivering the most cutting edge dietary supplement products.