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Introducing 1.M.R. BPI Sports, the time-tested powerhouse preworkout that will shatter your goals with intensity and energy. Developed and redeveloped to push you to new heights in your daily training, this monster of a pre-workout is packed with clinically studied ingredients to maximize your potential.

1.M.R is formulated with a powerful blend of key compounds that deliver unmatched energy and endurance. With ingredients like Glycerol, Mucuna Pruriens, Theobromine, Theacrine, Dynamine, and Caffeine, this pre-workout is designed to take your performance to the next level. Whether you're hitting the gym or training for a competition, 1.M.R provides the fuel you need to go above and beyond.

1.M.R. BPI Sports Pre-Workout

What sets 1.M.R apart from the rest is its scientifically formulated ingredients. Each scoop contains clinically researched and patented compounds like Glycerol, Theobromine, Theacrine, and Dynamine. These powerhouse ingredients work together to enhance physical endurance, promote quicker recovery, boost mental and physical energy, and heighten cognitive function for better overall performance.

With 1.M.R by your side, you'll experience an unparalleled surge of energy that will keep you going through even the toughest workouts. Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to peak performance. Don't settle for average; unleash the true power within you with 1.M.R.

Conquer your fitness goals with confidence and make every workout count. Try 1.M.R. BPI Sports today and discover the difference it can make in your training journey.

Where to Buy 1.M.R. Pre-Workout

If you're looking to buy 1.M.R. Pre-Workout, I highly recommend checking out Racer Ephedra is a trusted online retailer that specializes in non-mainstream weight loss products and provides high-quality information and products that you can trust.

1.M.R. Pre-Workout is a powerful supplement that was developed and redeveloped with one goal in mind - to help you shatter your fitness goals with intensity and energy. This pre-workout is not for the faint of heart, as it contains a potent blend of clinically studied ingredients that are designed to maximize your potential and take your training to new heights.

One of the key ingredients in 1.M.R. Pre-Workout is Glycerol, which has been shown to improve hydration and enhance endurance during exercise. This is crucial for pushing through those tough workouts and getting the most out of your training sessions.

More Pre-Workout Alternatives

  1. Edge of Insanity - Get ready to take your workouts to the next level with Edge of Insanity. Experience unmatched focus, sustained energy, and skin-splitting pumps with this powerful pre-workout formula. With ingredients like Yohimbine, Caffeine, and GABA, you'll stay dialed in, energized, and mentally balanced throughout your entire workout. Push past your limits and achieve the results you've been craving. Get your Edge of Insanity today.
  2. Gorilla Mode - Boost energy, sharpen focus, and enhance endurance for peak performance. Achieve intense muscle pumps and break personal records with our potent blend. Train harder, longer, and smarter.

Active Ingredient Review

  1. GABA Pre Workout - Enhance your workouts with GABA Pre Workout. This scientifically formulated supplement harnesses the power of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to boost focus, testosterone levels, and muscle growth. Elevate your performance and achieve your fitness goals with GABA Pre Workout.

Improve Mood and Motivation

Another ingredient worth mentioning is Mucuna Pruriens, which is known for its ability to increase dopamine levels in the brain. This can help improve mood and motivation, allowing you to stay focused and determined throughout your workout.

Theobromine, Theacrine, and Dynamine are also included in the formula to provide an extra boost of energy and mental focus. These ingredients work synergistically with caffeine, which is a well-known stimulant that can enhance alertness and improve exercise performance.

It's important to note that BPI Sports, the company behind 1.M.R. Pre-Workout, has revolutionized the supplement landscape with their commitment to quality and innovation. They take pride in creating products that deliver real results, and 1.M.R. Pre-Workout is no exception.

Nevertheless, if you're looking for a pre-workout supplement that will truly push you to new limits, I highly recommend considering 1.M.R. Pre-Workout. And when it comes to purchasing it, look no further than for a trustworthy source that specializes in non-mainstream weight loss products.

Pre-Workout Supplement Performance

Pre-workout supplements have become increasingly popular among fitness enthusiasts and athletes looking to enhance their performance and get the most out of their training sessions. One particular supplement that has gained attention is the combination of R- and S-BHB salts, caffeine, leucine, and taurine. But how effective are these ingredients in improving high-intensity exercise performance? Let's dive into the research.

A recent study sought to investigate the impact of pre-exercise ingestion of a moderate dose of R- and S-BHB salts combined with caffeine, leucine, and taurine on exercise performance in both Keto-Adapted (KA) and Keto-Naïve (KN) individuals. The results were quite promising.

The study found that the ingestion of this specific combination of ingredients improved high-intensity exercise performance to a similar extent in both KA and KN individuals. This means that whether you are already following a ketogenic diet or not, you can still benefit from taking this pre-workout supplement.

Interestingly, the study also observed a rapid increase in circulating total BHB concentrations after the ingestion of the pre-workout supplement in both KA and KN individuals. BHB, or beta-hydroxybutyrate, is a ketone body that serves as an alternative fuel source for the body when glucose availability is limited, such as during a ketogenic diet.

In KN subjects, circulating total BHB concentrations increased from 154 to 732 μM after ingesting the pre-workout supplement, while KA subjects experienced an increase from 848 to 1,973 μM. These elevated BHB levels remained throughout the recovery period in both groups.

Additionally, plasma S-BHB (one type of BHB) increased more than 20-fold just 15 minutes after consuming the pre-workout supplement in both KA and KN individuals. This increase was sustained throughout the recovery period.

Comparing the effects of the pre-workout supplement to ingesting water alone, it was found that the supplement significantly increased high-intensity exercise performance.

Now that we have seen the results of this study, it's important to note that individual responses to pre-workout supplements may vary. Factors such as personal tolerance, fitness levels, and overall health can influence how your body responds to these ingredients. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before incorporating any new supplements into your routine.

Nonetheless, pre-exercise ingestion of a pre-workout supplement containing R- and S-BHB salts combined with caffeine, leucine, and taurine has been shown to improve high-intensity exercise performance in both Keto-Adapted and Keto-Naïve individuals. The increase in circulating total BHB concentrations and sustained elevation of plasma S-BHB levels suggest that this combination of ingredients effectively supports ketosis during intense physical activity. However, it's important to remember that individual responses may vary, and it's always best to seek professional advice before starting any new supplement regimen.

Orally Supplemented with Glycerol

Orally supplementing with glycerol can have a significant impact on training adaptation and physical performance parameters in rats. In a recent study, researchers examined the effects of glycerol supplementation, as well as glucose and saline, on rats that were subjected to moderate aerobic exercise.

The results of the study showed that the relative mass of the heart and adrenal glands was higher in the trained animals. This suggests that the exercise regimen had a positive effect on these organs. Interestingly, glycerol supplementation had a particularly notable impact on the animals' protein content, specifically in those that were not trained. This suggests that glycerol may have a beneficial effect on protein synthesis, even in the absence of exercise.

Another significant finding of the study was that glycerol supplementation increased the relative adrenal mass in both trained and non-trained animals. The adrenal glands play a crucial role in the body's response to stress and exercise, so this finding suggests that glycerol may enhance the animals' ability to adapt to physical stressors.

Glycerol Supplementation

Furthermore, glycerol supplementation was found to reduce the variation in levels of lactate and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) during the last exercise session. Lactate is produced during intense exercise and can lead to fatigue, while AST is an enzyme that is released into the bloodstream following muscle damage. By reducing the levels of lactate and AST, glycerol may have a protective effect on muscle tissue and aid in recovery.

It is worth noting that there was no significant difference between the groups regarding the relative mass of the thymus and gastrocnemius. The thymus is an organ involved in immune function, while the gastrocnemius is a muscle in the calf. These findings suggest that glycerol supplementation may not have a direct impact on these particular parameters.

Notwithstanding, orally supplementing with glycerol can have several positive effects on training adaptation and physical performance in rats. It has been shown to improve protein content in non-trained animals, increase the relative adrenal mass, and reduce variations in lactate and AST levels during exercise. However, further research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms behind these effects and to determine if similar benefits can be observed in humans.

Thermogenic and Hemodynamic Effects

Thermogenic and hemodynamic effects refer to the metabolic and cardiovascular responses that occur in the body after ingesting certain substances. In this case, we are specifically talking about the effects of a pre-workout supplement (PWS) containing beta alanine, creatine nitrate, arginine AKG, N-Acetyl Tyrosine, caffeine, and Mucuna pruriens.

A study was conducted to investigate the impact of this PWS on resting energy expenditure (REE) and other metabolic parameters. The results showed that ingesting the PWS led to an increase in resting VO2 (oxygen consumption), VCO2 (carbon dioxide production), and RER (respiratory exchange ratio) when compared to a placebo. This suggests that the PWS has a thermogenic effect, meaning it increases the body's metabolic rate.

Furthermore, the addition of 20 mg of synephrine to the PWS resulted in an even greater increase in the metabolic response during the first 5-10 minutes after ingestion. Synephrine is a naturally occurring compound found in citrus fruits and has been shown to have thermogenic properties. It acts as a stimulant and can enhance the metabolic effects of the other ingredients in the PWS.

Improve Exercise Performance

To provide some context, let's take a closer look at the ingredients in the PWS. Beta alanine is an amino acid that has been shown to improve exercise performance and delay fatigue. Creatine nitrate is a combination of creatine and nitrate, which can enhance muscle strength and endurance. Arginine AKG is another amino acid that may promote blood flow and improve exercise capacity.

N-Acetyl Tyrosine is a form of tyrosine, an amino acid that plays a role in neurotransmitter synthesis and may improve mental focus and cognition. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that can increase alertness and energy levels. Finally, Mucuna pruriens is a natural source of L-DOPA, a precursor to dopamine, which may have mood-enhancing effects.

It's important to note that while this study found positive effects on metabolic parameters with the PWS, individual responses may vary. Factors such as age, weight, fitness level, and overall health can influence how your body reacts to these ingredients. It's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Obviously, ingesting a pre-workout supplement containing beta alanine, creatine nitrate, arginine AKG, N-Acetyl Tyrosine, caffeine, and Mucuna pruriens can have thermogenic effects on the body by increasing resting VO2, VCO2, RER, and potentially REE values. The addition of synephrine further enhances this metabolic response. However, it's important to understand that individual results may vary and it's best to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into your routine.


Madison L. Kackley, Jay A. Short, Parker N. Hyde, Richard A. LaFountain, Alex Buga, Vincent J. Miller, Ryan M. Dickerson, Teryn N. Sapper, Emily C. Barnhart, Deepa Krishnan, Craig A. McElroy, Carl M. Maresh, William J. Kraemer & Jeff S. Volek (2020) A Pre-Workout Supplement of Ketone Salts, Caffeine, and Amino Acids Improves High-Intensity Exercise Performance in Keto-Naïve and Keto-Adapted Individuals, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 39:4, 290-300, DOI: 10.1080/07315724.2020.1752846

AndradeEric Francelino, LobatoRaquel Vieira, de AraújoTiciana Vasques, OrlandoDébora Ribeiro, Vicente da CostaDiego, de Oliveira SilvaVíviam, RogattoGustavo Puggina, ZangeronimoMárcio Gilberto, RosaPriscila Vieira, and PereiraLuciano José. 2015. Adaptation to physical training in rats orally supplemented with glycerol. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 93(1): 63-69.

YP Jung, C Goodenough, M Cho, A O’Connor, R Dalton, K Levers, E Galvan, N Barringer, F Ayadi, J Carter, M Koozechian, S Simbo, A Reyes, B Sanchez, A Coletta, C Rasmussen & R Kreider (2014) Thermogenic and hemodynamic effects of ingesting a pre-workout supplement with and without synephrine, Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 11:sup1, DOI: 10.1186/1550-2783-11-S1-P35

Cliff M.

Great boost on energy levels for high intensity training. Energy lasted through workout no crashing what so ever. Great flavor.